Today’s Black Fashion Fair – Today is the DAY!!!!

Black Fashion Fair

Wie viele bereits wissen ist schwarz meine absolute Lieblingsfarbe (neben blau), worüber ich auch schon auf meinem privaten Blog geschrieben habe. Daher musste ich folgenden Beitrag mal eben rebloggen um die Veranstalter zu unterstützen! Here we go…

Opens 1 PM SLT April 17th

To facilitate the location we divide the event location in East and West.
• West Side (Saugatuck Region)
• East Side (Heatherlands Region)

They work hard to create a beautiful and cozy place to receive our visitors.  There are two lands full of wonderful items waiting for you, and to help find youself in this big place, they create a map and a list with the name and location fo each store. Just click on „Read more…“ to see the full list of shops with linked SLurl’s.